Religious and multicultural leaders receive Covid-19 vaccine

More than 30 NSW religious and community leaders have come together to encourage all eligible individuals from diverse faith and cultural communities to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The leaders met with Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Minister for Health Brad Hazzard and Minister for Multiculturalism Geoff Lee at the mass vaccination centre at Sydney Olympic Park.

“Thank you to community leaders across NSW who have shown leadership throughout the pandemic and continue to provide trusted information to their communities. It is critical to vaccinate our citizens as quickly and as safely as possible,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“There are Cultural Support Workers at the mass vaccination centre who can guide people through the entire process in 25 different languages.”
The mass vaccination centre is now administering the AstraZeneca vaccine to members of the general public aged 50 and over, along with GPs and other NSW Health clinics throughout the state.
The majority of the community leaders have received the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Mr Hazzard thanked the leaders for guiding their communities through such a difficult year in our fight against the virus.
“The pandemic has been extremely challenging for everybody, including people of faith, with many of the normal practices turned on their head, but vaccination is our path back to normal,” Mr Hazzard said.
“Our message to all members of the community is simple ”“ get the COVID vaccine, it will help keep you and your loved ones safe and out of our intensive care units.”
Mr Lee said the COVID-19 vaccine has been taken up across faith communities and encouraged community members to get the vaccine.
“We are working with our faith and community leaders to ensure everyone in our community has access to reliable information about the COVID-19 vaccines,” Mr Lee said.
People aged 50 and over are encouraged to book their AstraZeneca vaccination through their GP in the first instance, but if they are unable to obtain the vaccine from their GP, appointments can also be booked in NSW Health clinics.
Those aged 40-49 can now also register their interest in receiving the Pfizer vaccine. They will be contacted and invited to make a booking when there is availability at clinics.
To book a vaccine and for more information go to:
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