Let us learn from our Gurus: Peaceful dialogue the only way, says NSCA

Fifteen men have been charged after a brawl involving at least 50 people that erupted in the southern Brisbane suburb of Runcorn on September 13, 2021..
A victim of the violence, named in court documents as 36-year-old father-of-two Naginda Singh, suffered a near-severed left hand, and neck and head injuries, and remained in Princess Alexandra Hospital on Thursday.
This sad news was covered widely by the Brisbane Times where acting Superintendent Simon Tayler said the male attackers were armed with weapons including swords, axes, bats and metal poles.
“It would’ve been a confronting scene for anyone attending or witnessing it,” he said.
Message from NSCA (National Sikh Council of Australia)
National Sikh Council of Australia strongly condemns unreservedly this regrettable incident at a Gurudwara and the spiteful behaviour and actions of those involved in the wild brawl. Every person should roundly condemn what has happened in Brisbane Gurudwara. There is no excuse for this type of conduct regardless of any differences whatsoever.
Sikhism is a religion of peace and not of conflict. It believes that violence is unjustifiable. Sikhs believe in peaceful living and that fighting is only acceptable as a very last resort and then only against oppression.
We all go to the Gurudwara to pray and attain peace of mind. Power struggles should not be the motives of those running a Gurudwara and every member should follow the rules of the Gurudwara and those of the Sikh faith.
All disputes can be and should be resolved by peaceful means and meaningful discussions within the rules of the Gurudwara and not by confronting acts or use of weapons. Peaceful methods involve dialogue and non-violence as shown by Guru Nanak, Guru Arjan and Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Let us learn from our Gurus.
Yours sincerely,
Bawa Singh Jagdev JP. OAM
For and on behalf of the National Sikh Council of Australia
Saturday, 18 September 2021
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