An enlightening evening of insights into yoga texts of India

Meet the Guru program is back on @ The Bhakti Tree – Wednesday 8th December 730pm to 830pm – Devamrita Swami will be providing an enlightening evening as he presents insights into the yoga texts of ancient India (the Vedas) – restaurant open for paid buffet dinner from 6pm followed by discourse and Q & A with the Guru from 730pm – Admission for program is FREE, bookings not essential & everybody is welcome.
Devamrita Swami is an educator, author, and monk in the bhakti yoga tradition with thousands of disciples all over the world. For over forty years, he has been traveling the world sharing the teachings and lifestyle of bhakti-yoga.
With a unique ability to analyze modern problems through the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam (essential Vedic texts), he challenges audiences to understand that the quest for genuine personal and social upliftment is rooted in precise and comprehensive knowledge. Often addressing topics on spiritually based economics, sustainability, and environmentalism, his strategic guidance has proved invaluable to students and professionals seeking to balance their spiritual and professional life. Spiritual life, he often remarks, is a dynamic experiential reality, not a token subscription to a belief-system. Adept at applying this spiritual science, he encourages others to enter the laboratory and perform the Krishna experiment, which enables us to fully realize our nonmaterial identity and ultimate connection. While meeting and relishing the diversity of global humanity, he has also established urban and rural sanctuaries for the spiritually inquisitive, especially in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States.
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