How the young of CALD community coped with mental well being during Covid lockdown

Five young people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds share their personal stories through video testimonials to highlight how they managed their mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The heart-warming video stories were launched online on Wednesday 24 November as part of the Multicultural Community Wellbeing Campaign, a partnership between the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) and the Youth Collective coordinated by Settlement Services International (SSI) with funding from NSW Primary Health Networks (PHN).

As part of the key activities for the video testimonial project, MHCS and the SSI Youth Collective, established a working group of youth workers from CALD communities to provide ongoing input into the campaign. Through online co-design workshops, facilitated by MHCS with SSI, the young people learned about script writing and video editing to generate their meaningful personal messages for their families, friends and communities.

Five short individual videos and one combined multilingual video were produced to showcase the heart-warming personal stories by the very passionate and committed young people, Subash, Shahida, Shaimaa, Hala and Achol.

These young people collaborated closely with each other and with the project partners to produce audio-visual resources that are creative and inspiring. Their stories aim to encourage other young people from CALD communities to have meaningful conversations with family, friends and community networks around mental health support services. 

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