Indian Films at Sydney Film Festival 2021 (November 3-14)

Sydney Film Festival (SFF 2021) is on in the month of November having been delayed due to Covid 19 lockdown in NSW.
This year it is being held from 3rd to the 14th of November. The festival has some interesting Indian Film entries this year.
For all film lovers who may be interested in films from India, do take time out to watch the following:

Writing With Fire: The struggles and triumphs of low-caste journalists in India’s only all-female newspaper, ”˜Khabar Lahariya’; Follows the women as they adapt from print to digital to stay relevant, all the while exploring their struggles and reporting of stories the mainstream media won’t do; the women get into trouble for being journalists, but they are determined to tell their stories as many don’t have other opportunities; Directed by Sushmit Ghosh and Rintu Thomas. Languge: Hindi

Winner of the Audience Award for World Cinema ”“ Documentary, and World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Impact and Change, and was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize for World Cinema – Documentary at Sundance Film Festival in February.

Just Like That: The recently-widowed Mrs. Sharma decides to live her life to the fullest,despite the cultural traditions and expectations she’ll be braking along the way.

As writer-director Kislay Kislay’s debut feature,the film offers a clear and unflinching look at female agency in India.The film is nominated for Best Film awards at various international film festivals.Language:Hindi.

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva: Following Indian social activist and physicist, Dr.Vandana Shiva, often referred to as the ‘Gandhi of Grain’ for her role in the anti-GMO movement; Dr Shiva stood up to the corporate powers at agricultural giant Monsanto by suing them in 1999 for their illegal GMO Bt cotton strain trials in India;
These seeds are controversial as they are expensive, lose effectiveness after one generation, and later become resistant to fighting certain pest infestations ”“ leading to poor yields and heavy debts for local farmers. Dr. Shiva won the Sydney Peace Prize in 2010 for her work; Featuring two key perspectives on managing the exploding world population, one that’s controlled by corporates, and one focussing on organic/local food systems.

Here Out West: Directed by five woman; Fadia Abboud (Les Norton), Lucy Gaffy (The Spa – SFF2016), Julie Kalceff (First Day), Ana Kokkinos (Blessed SFF 2019) and Leah Purcell (The Drover’s Wife; The Legend of Molly Johnson – SFF2021)
Produced by Sheila Jayadev (Ali’s Wedding””SFF2017); the doco is set in Blacktown, Western Sydney and written by eight emerging Australian writers from different cultural backgrounds, to hear the different perspectives of living in the country. The writers workshopped their stories with experienced directors and producers;
A dramatic anthology of stories — in which a baby being kidnapped from a hospital sets off a series of events that brings complete strangers together over a single day;

Starring Arka Das (Spice Sisters ”“ SFF2016), Rahel Romahn, (Down Under ”“ SFF2016), Leah Vandenberg (Stupid Stupid Man), Genevieve Lemon, (Sweetie ”“ SFF2019) and more;
Language: English.
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