Cultural associations can apply for grants for festivals

Our diverse communities are being encouraged to enjoy a vibrant start to 2022 with a NSW Government funding boost for multicultural festivals and events.
Minister for Multiculturalism Natalie Ward said the second round of the $400,000 Stronger Together Festivals and Events Grants program is now open for applications for events being held in the first half of next year.
“NSW is home to a wonderful, harmonious blend of multicultural communities and we want to shine on a light on the traditions that make our state such a great place to live,” Mrs Ward said.
“Whether it’s a festival in one of our beautiful parks, or an event that showcases a culture’s culinary delights, we’d like to hear from our multicultural communities about their plans for 2022.”
Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply for up to $15,000 to assist with the cost of holding cultural festivals and events.
“This year so many of our great events had to be cancelled, or be held online, due to COVID restrictions. As we move to the next phase out of lockdown, it’s great to able to plan for a return of our much-loved festivals,” Mrs Ward said
“Because of COVD-19, applicants from our first round were unable to hold their events, so we’re working with them to see what’s possible as we move into 2022.”
Support totalling $200,000 is available during this round for events held before 30 June 2022 and all applicants must show how they will ensure a COVID-safe environment.
Applications close Friday 17 December 2021. For more information, visit:
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