Swami Vivekananda in Sydney!


Swami Vivekananda small

Sahib Chatterjee as Swami Vivekananda with Dana Dajani as Sister Nivedita in ‘Oneness ”“ Voice Without  Form’

At Sydney Opera House Playhouse 17 and 18 September 2013

The story of one man’s search for enlightenment that changed the world”¦

On the 150th anniversary of Vivekananda’s birth Swami Vivekananda and his extraordinary life becomes alive on stage in ”˜Oneness ”“ voice without form’  – a play directed by Alex Broun.

Swami Vivekananda, the 19th century Indian reformer, leader and mystic introduced yoga, meditation and interfaith understanding to the West. He inspired major historical and cultural figures as diverse as Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and The Beatles’ George Harrison with his teachings.

Guide to millions and – through his Order’s service to hospitals, schools and relief works ”“ a saviour to millions more, the Swami emerged as the worlds’ first “pop star” in late 19th century America after his speeches at the first World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. He’s still a major influence in India with the Government sponsoring many commemorative events this year.

Now Australia is joining the international celebrations with this play that shows the common link between all religions and all faiths.

Written and directed by Alex Broun whose plays have had thousands of performances internationally (including translations into Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin), the spectacular performance features a cast of ten outstanding Australian actors, chosen from more than 200 applicants from around Australia.

Leading the cast are two true international stars: Saheb Chatterjee, Calcutta-based film and theatre actor and singer, who will play Vivekananda; and Dana Dajani, Dubai-based Palestinian actress, writer and poet who plays Sister Nivedita

Original music has been composed and will be played live by Australian early and world music icons, Kim Cunio and Heather Lee. Design and co-direction is by recent NIDA graduates Tobhiyah Feller and Felicity Nichol respectively, with movement consultant Adelina Larsen.

Broun says the biggest challenge in developing the play was what to include and what to leave out from the influential teachings and eventful life of Swami Vivekananda. His influence is not only huge to the world’s 2.4 billion of Hindus (the fastest growing faith in Australia according to the latest census with 275,000 identifying currently here) but through the practice and philosophy of yoga, to many, many more. Accordingly the cast and crew features a wonderful multi-faith mix of Hindu, Muslim, Jewish and Christian artists.

The play is part of a wider celebration sponsored by the Sarada Vedanta Society of Sydney and will also include seminars, workshops and more performances of the play in Brisbane at Bemac.

Oneness ”“ Voice Without Form

Playhouse at Sydney Opera House

Tuesday 17 September 7pm and Wednesday 18 September 2pm and 7pm

Tickets $75 (matinee concession $45)

Bookings (02) 9250 7777 or online at www.sydneyoperahouse.com

For more information visit www.oneness.org.au

Short URL: https://indiandownunder.com.au/?p=2519