It is important to understand that, at times, one has to undergo discomfort to grow and realise one’s potential, says Megha Bajaj. In the end, you won’t regret it Are you someone who wishes to grow in life? In all aspects? Be it health, wealth, relationships, and spiritual progress? Then one of the first things […]

बोध कथा एक बार अर्जुन ने कृष्ण से पूछा, “माधव! ये ‘सफल जीवन’ क्या होता है? कृष्ण अर्जुन को पतंग उड़ाने ले गए। अर्जुन कृष्ण को ध्यान से पतंग उड़ाते देख रहा था। थोड़ी देर बाद अर्जुन बोलै, “माधव! इस धागे की वजह से पतंग अपनी आज़ादी से और ऊपर की ओर नहीं जा पा […]

Covid-19 has tested people in medical profession worldwide as well as health workers in a way that has never ever happened before. Not only the doctors, the nurses, entire hospital system, scientists and whole humanity as such has faced a challenge of the century with every one in every walk of life has had to […]

For some they may be just some four-legged creatures wagging their tails and running after you in hope for a piece of food you may throw towards them. But for many, and a growing number of people, they are the very reason to be in love with life. As Covid rapidly transforms our life and […]

After a harrowing attempt at beautifying herself at a salon, Vidya Muralidhar discovers that true beauty is much more than facials and lipsticks I gazed at my reflection in the mirror and let the vision from the eye that was open fall upon the kohl-lined one that was shut. The blue-grey shades of the eye shadow […]

Meet the Guru program is back on @ The Bhakti Tree – Wednesday 8th December 730pm to 830pm – Devamrita Swami will be providing an enlightening evening as he presents insights into the yoga texts of ancient India (the Vedas) – restaurant open for paid buffet dinner from 6pm followed by discourse and Q & […]

Ginger is used extensively in Indian cooking. Geez! we all wonder at the price, the most expensive culinary vegetable which adds so much flavour to Indian curries. And in winter no Indian home will drink tea without the slice of ginger in it. Most housewives discuss the price of ginger where they can find it […]

By Vijay Badhwar It was in 1996, probably, that I went for my first 10-day Vipassana meditation in Blackheath. I had heard about the life-changing meditation from my role model uncle (who died recently from COVID in Detroit). May be it was his memory that drove me to register again for another 10-day course in […]

By Neena Badhwar Swami Vivekananda was deeply aware of the inequality and injustice that prevailed in the Indian society. Poor in India were in hundreds of millions in the early twentieth century, they still are and now with Corona hitting India in a big way with every day around 250,000 cases are being reported. State […]

By Neena Badhwar ”˜Sufism, as the mystical dimension of Islam, preaches peace, tolerance and pluralism, while encouraging music as a way of deepening one’s relationship with the Creator.’ Sansar Sufiana on April 9 presented by SCREAN Australia (SAI Creative Arts Network) at Manjit’s Concord Function Centre turned out to be not just an ensemble of […]