Archive for: November, 2020

Federation Square Melbourne celebrates Diwali virtually and many more activities in November

From Diwali and NAIDOC week events to Free Cooking Lessons Bollywood Dancing and Origami Making Multicultural Month will be celebrated at Fed Square during the month of November with an online calendar of events celebrating Diwali and NAIDOC Week, plus African music and culture, Persian cooking classes, Bollywood dancing, Origami making and much more. All […]

NSW Police Service releases two short films on Dowry abuse in Australia

Two short films on dowry abuse as one of the cause in DV cases in Australia were premiered on October 28 at Auburn Reading cinemas By Neena Badhwar Tentacles of a custom of India, the famous dowry culture which is actually illegal in India is slowly seeping in to Australia where one, it is not […]

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