Category archives for: Body Mind Spirit

Anchor the mind

  By Shameem Akhtar Getting into meditation without grounding the mind with asana and pranayama is risky, warns Shameem Akhthar There is an   alarming rise of meditators who are not really physically fit, because they are convinced that it is somehow crass to focus too much on the body. On the contrary, asana practice […]

The tender touch

  By Nandini Sarkar Her daughter’s sudden complaint made Nandini Sarkar sit up and realise the  significance of tenderness in dealing with people. The Day of Judgment is upon me and it has taken the form of my 18-year-old daughter. Recently, I was feeling particularly pleased that during my mother’s prolonged absence from India, my […]

Come and support Ramayan Dance Drama on October 18th

              Vedanta  Centre  of Sydney, as a part of its fund-raising programme,  is organizing a Dance Drama:  “RAMAYANA”  to be performed by  Shri Raghavan Nair Indian Dance  Centre  at  Baha’i  Centre,107 Derby Street  on  18th October 2014 at 6.30 P.M. Vedanta Centre has  embarked  on  an ambitious project of […]

Ghee: the new super food!

              Ayurveda considers ghee the ultimate cooking oil  due to its cooking properties, wonderful taste and many healing benefits.   Most of the Ayurvedic medicines use ghee as a medium for absorption as it helps deliver the phytochemicals of herbs directly into the cells. With its rich, buttery taste […]

The legend of Bodhidharma

Bodhidharma, the third son of a  Tamil  Pallava king  from  Kanchipuram,  who had awakened his  kundalini  and mastered the martial arts, went to China in sixth century and was supposed to be more than 150 years old.  Bodhidharma visited the  Emperor Wu  (Emperor Xiāo YÇŽn 蕭衍 (posthumous name WÇ”dì 武帝) of Liáng 梁 China), a […]

Shiva ”“ The Cosmic dancer

  By Kanaka Ramakrishna The Worship of Shiva as ”˜Mahayogi’ and ”˜Pasupati’ as found in the Indus valley civilization in the north west of India 5000 years ago was later integrated into the early Vedic Aryan civilisation as ”˜Rudra’, and later as ”˜Shiva’. Though the worship of Rudra by the early Aryans started the proper […]

A visit to Crystal Castle in Byron Bay

By T. SELVA CRYSTALS have the power to deepen our inner and outer sense of peace and enrich the spirit. Drawn by the powers and energy of the place, I made an awesome journey to the Crystal Castle in Byron Bay recently to give a magical exercise to my mind, body and spirit. My trip […]

A meteor in the sky follows Ramana’s last moment

By Anil Sharma   Some are born immediately after, others after some lapse of time, a few are not reborn on this earth but eventually get salvation in some higher region, and a very few get absolved here and now. Sage Sri Ramana Maharshi It’s Friday, 14th of April, 1950. Maharshi is in a very […]

Much to learn from Vivekananda’s 150 years

    By Kanaka Ramakrishna   The year 2013 marks the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the great patriot-saint and nation-builder of India. The year-long celebration in India and all over the world starts on his birthday, January 12, which is commemorated every year as the National Youth Day. Swami Vivekananda was so great […]

Vitamin D deficiency: are you at risk?

Vitamin D deficiency can be more prevalent in the community with people with darker skin who may need 3-6 hours of sun exposure during winter months to help with their Vitamin D levels. SunSmart is warning that certain parts of the population may be at risk of low or deficient vitamin D levels during Victoria’s […]

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