Category archives for: Body Mind Spirit

An epitome of love, Damodarananda

Swami Damodarananda with   children By Vijay Badhwar Some comment on his skin being as fresh as that of a child, some talk about the glow on his face; Swami Sridharananda at the Vedanta Centre says that you have to poke him as in a beehive to enjoy the sweetness of honey pouring out. I […]

How to meditate: Ramana

Ramana Maharishi Extracts from the book ”˜Life Beyond Death’ by Anil Sharma The Pure Mind, the immaculate Being, is eternally wrapped in blissful stillness ”“ in Turiya or Samadhi, the state beyond awake, dream and sleep states. There remains nothing more for one to achieve but to consolidate this state into the permanent experience of […]

It’s my destiny, and it can change

By Anil Sharma   Why am I, always, at the wrong place at the wrong time, and every one else, I know, at the right one every time? Is this fate, my Karma, my destiny which I can never avoid. I have no options, have I? A friend in the eighties made a lot of […]


By Kanaka Ramakrishna People have always held irrational beliefs to ward off ill, to bring good, foretell the future, heal or prevent sickness or accident, believe in the evil eye or in the efficacy of amulets. These practices have been prevalent for a long time in every part of the world. Many people believe in […]

We are all co-related

Deepak Chopra with his admirers in Sydney Qiana Irani with Deepak Chopra, relaxed and happy By Neena Badhwar I spent an afternoon with modern guru Deepak Chopra for his enlightening three hours on the topic: Healing, Transformation    & Higher Consciousness as part of the event ”˜I can Do It’. Organised by Hay House, the […]

Experience higher consciousness with Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra The Mind, Body and Soul Retreat. Come and be inspired. This is it””the conference you’ve been waiting for! I Can Do It! has it all: ”¢ A host of dynamic speakers to entertain and enlighten you ”¢ Fascinating seminars and workshops ”¢ Book-signing events with the authors after each session ”¢ The companionship […]

Healing the Sole

By Devaki Parthasarathy “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art,” Leonardo de Vinci As I pondered over the myriad of things I wanted to talk about, I thought about the feet. I came back from work yesterday and said, “My feet are killing me!!!” Empathise with that phrase? How […]

Khalil Gibran

  By S. Sunder Das Khalil Gibran, one of the greatest philosophers from the Middle East, was born on January 6, 1883, to the Maronite family of Gibran in Bsharri, a mountainous area in Northern Lebanon.   At that time Lebanon was a Turkish province part of Greater Syria (Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine) and subjugated […]

Download a software for your soul

Caption: Book Jacket; Dr R S Muthukrishnan By Neena Badhwar Dr. RS Muthukrishnan, a well known Sydney doctor, motivational speaker and trainer of hypnosis,    having trained GPs all across Australia has compiled an impressive book on hypnosis and mind power    titled ”˜Software for Your Soul’. Says Dr  Muthu  in his book, “During my […]

There’s no Rama without Sita

Sita with Luv and Kush By Kanaka Ramakrishna Ramayana, the most ancient and popular epic, is the encyclopaedia of the ancient Indian life and wisdom portraying an ideal civilization. It has been the cherished heritage of the whole Hindu world for the last several thousands of years and forms the basis of their thoughts and […]

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